Back It Up Now!

I have to say this as a warning to everyone- I had my HD crash last week. "Total Head Crash" as I was told. I had not backed up ANYTHING in the last 3 months- My totally redesigned resume and cover letter that I spent 15 or so hours tweaking? Nope. My Favourites folder? Nope. My configs for the games that I play that had all of my key bindings? Nope. Priceless pics of my 2 -year-old daughter? Nope. You get the picture. Before this happened I was a total backup snob- I would harangue people everywhere about how important it was to do this relatively innocuous function now to save yourself much frustration later. So PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don't make the same mistake I did!
The only thing of any importance that I saved was the 40 or so music CD's that I have archived on my HD, as I moved to my secondary drive just last week in case of this...I have a friend with a recovery program and THANK GOD it got back the pictures of my daughter! Everything else it recovered was really old stuff and a few registry keys...I just spent 5 days going through all of the files, all for the sake of 20 minutes of backing up before this happened...I had over 8000 htm files, 7000+ jpg's, 1200 zip's, etc. that I had to scan file-by-file. So please save yourself the pain and suffering...You never think this could happen to you, until you hear that dreaded sound of metal on metal...
The only thing of any importance that I saved was the 40 or so music CD's that I have archived on my HD, as I moved to my secondary drive just last week in case of this...I have a friend with a recovery program and THANK GOD it got back the pictures of my daughter! Everything else it recovered was really old stuff and a few registry keys...I just spent 5 days going through all of the files, all for the sake of 20 minutes of backing up before this happened...I had over 8000 htm files, 7000+ jpg's, 1200 zip's, etc. that I had to scan file-by-file. So please save yourself the pain and suffering...You never think this could happen to you, until you hear that dreaded sound of metal on metal...
I've had customers in tears over lack of backups. It's a hard, hard lesson to learn.
Just remember this, everybody: Your hard drive WILL die one day. Inevetably.
Guyute was asking if partitioning would help prevent something like this in the future.
totally redfaced....
Anyhow, I back up things for work, but other than that an HD crash would probably do me some good.
Back it up and back it up now.
1st is os and programs
2nd is everything that i download
3rd is a backup of the 2nd drive
PS Maxtor apparently offers a service whereby if it fails in the first 7 years they will replace can be sure I'll be trying that option.
Most hard drive manufacturers replace failed drives in the warranty period. Standard warranty used to be three years. Hitachi is one year, Seagate and Maxtor are 5 years. WD is one year, I believe.