Have you ever gotten through a Gentoo Stage 1 or 2 install on your first try?

JengoJengo Pasco, WA | USA
edited September 2004 in Science & Tech
Have you? i heard this was one of the hardest Distros to install. but once installed it sounds so easy to use!!!!

i think about to get my hands dirty...

what do you guys think?


  • RobRob Detroit, MI
    edited September 2004
    I'm running it right now. The install isn't that hard, but not much worth building from stage 1 or 2. It's a good learning experience, and a good desktop. But, it is also a PITA to build most all of the packages you want to use. In general, its a hobbiests toy, with possibilitys to expend with the right developer and portage tree.
  • beatzbeatz i am a hamburger Member
    edited September 2004
    I am also a big fan of Gentoo and I did a Stage 1 install the first time. I had some linux experience with debian before. I would only recommend it when you like to know about everything that is going in your system.
    One good thing about Gentoo is the documentation. If you follow it step by step it is no problem. But to be honest, it takes quite a bit of time to set up a working Gentoo install and even more, when you have to compile everything. So its no shame to start with the CDs, cause then you can get it running quite quickly and start compiling things as you start to upgrade packages.
    I can also recommend the Gentoo forums for information. They are a great ressource.

    Have fun,
  • RobRob Detroit, MI
    edited September 2004
    One good thing about Gentoo is the documentation. If you follow it step by step it is no problem.
    That's very true. Just follow the directions step by step and it's very easy. Also, I agree starting with the cd set and only compiling what you need is wise. The biggest thing you learn from a stage 1 is how damn long it takes to compile software ;)
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