XP Pro SP2 issue!
Ok, here it goes. I have had XP Pro for about a year with no problems(see machine specs below). When I went to install SP2, however, the installation failed halfway through and said Windows was partially updated. The next time I restarted my computer, I ended up in a boot loop. Next, just to get some needed files off of my computer and onto a network drive, I installed XP Pro on my second partition so I could boot up. That worked just fine, but when I reformatted my computer completely and repartitioned and put XP Pro on the C drive, I found that I every time I tried to use Windows Update, about half of the updates would fail, and when I again tried SP2, it failed as well, giving me an error about Cryptographic Services. I checked the WKB and tried all of their troubleshooting tips, including: renaming Catroot2 to oldCatroot2 and reregistering dlls, some of which worked, but only temporarily. Some of the updates would install, but when I got to SP2 again, it would again fail and Windows would be partially updated, yada yada yada. I tried contacting Microsoft, and finally got in touch with someone who actually knew about XP Pro. They had me run through some system checks and I replaced some of the items that were corrupted or missing in the system folder. Still, SP2 install failed. The MS guy told me that it might be something with my motherboard drivers, but I am totally clueless there. My computer is as follows:
Shuttle XPC SS51G
P4 2.8 GHz
768 MB Ram
80 Gig HD
Shuttle XPC SS51G
P4 2.8 GHz
768 MB Ram
80 Gig HD
look here for motherboard drivers
I got it figgered out. I didn't think the motherboard was an issue, and it wasn't. Just in case someone else has the same problem, I created a slipstreamed copy of XP Pro with SP2, and it worked awesome! Check out http://www.theeldergeek.com/slipstreamed_xpsp2_cd.htm for more info.
Thanks anyway!
I think there are SOME workarounds for the Cryptographic Services issues, some of them, on that specific support subarea. Also, you need to grab updates AFTER installing SP2 also, there are some patches up that become available AFTER SP2 is installed that deal with a bunch of issues that were discovered as SP2 was installed by folks.
KF, your embroidery software publisher probably might want to look centric at DirectX changes in SP2. They also probably need to look at Javascript issues if they use that a lot. Both got heavily modded. Also, does your embroidery software run in Windows 2000 or Windows 95 backward-compliance mode??? DirectX has some abilities to use older DirectX calls (back to parts of DirectX 7.0) if programs are run in Compliance\Compatibility mode program runs. Try using backward-compatibility mode for your embroidery software if you have not done so. Ditto for older games. Also, check AGP port chipset drivers and video card drivers for DX 9.0 compliance (update them) if you cannot run specific apps in backward-compatibility mode but XP boots and BASICLY works with some problems present with Medias Player 9.0 loaded.
I will also tell you what worked here, and it was not a slipstream install of SP2 on XP Pro. first pass locked. I let it try working until Hd light went inactive, gave it 15 minutes to sit that way, and used the power off on computer to shut it down. Keyboard and Mouse were locked at that point. Mouse cursor present on black screen during hang. Then I powered the box up. Locked again. I remembered I had a pair of mice connected to this box, one through a KVM switch. Let box sit until HD light off for 10 minutes, powered down, unplugged the KVM routed mouse PS\2 cord and am now running a Logitec MX700 using the Microsoft Optial Mouse driver in SP2. I did have to go back to Microsft's v5 site three times more (I had done the service pack BEFORE installing DirectX 9.0 and WMP 9.0, had to get those separately later, and again to check for post-SP2 patches of which there WERE a few). Result actually WORKS, box can fold, do accounting, run older and new programs, etc.
A KVM with PS\2 emulation on might affect probing for keyboard and\or mouse and two mice present when SP2 reboots up first time might cause a mess as to driver establishment on some boxes.
Next, as to things that adversely affect SP2 install:
Firewalls and AV need to be off during this install right from start of install-- in fact disable both for autorunning at boot for ONE reboot AFTER install reboot also, then restart once AFTER SP2 does its config reboot and things will be smoother. ANY optional program that autoruns needs to be OFF during the SP2 install (Microsoft DOES mean all programs OFF when it says all programs (core services can be running, core-to-XP Microsoft stuff also), only exception is IE 6.01 SP1 plus patches issued prior to SP2, part of SP2 is an SP2 for IE.
Microsoft also says the box must be patched up to spec BEFORE SP2 is installed, this has proven to be something VERY good to do. One reason a slipstreamed install can work is if the box is compromised with malware, when the slipstream is done things that the malware damaged can get replaced while if the computer is in normal mode malware that is present might keep part of the install from happening. Cryptographic Services are upgraded as part of this process, they can be damaged if box was not patched, that is where the Cryptographic Services patch subinstall for SP2 can hang, if Cryptographics or related services are already compromised. One more reason for good AV present when your box is online or fetching email and frequent updates of defs and program versions.