Build issue
ALLLllll day I have been trying to access the website, to no avail they have yet to come back up for me to read their tutorials.
I am trying to build the torque game engine now that I have Microsoft Visual Studio.NET Pro 2002. Though that tutorial on their site had the information, I had hoped that building is relativly the same throughout all areas?
So does anyone have any ideas what I should do, what information to look for and so on? Any help would be GREAT cuase this damned hurricane is just SCREWING up my whole damned schedule. Already waisted a week now becuase of it.
I tried for the past hour looking through google trying all kinds of searches, and hoping to find a cached page. I found a few, but not what I need.
The page I need is supposed to be at:
If you are somehow able to find that page cached... omg that would be awsome!
If you think you may be able to help me build the engine, that would be equally great!
Hell I would love to try to figure it out on my own if I knew where to begin.... any help would be great!
I am trying to build the torque game engine now that I have Microsoft Visual Studio.NET Pro 2002. Though that tutorial on their site had the information, I had hoped that building is relativly the same throughout all areas?
So does anyone have any ideas what I should do, what information to look for and so on? Any help would be GREAT cuase this damned hurricane is just SCREWING up my whole damned schedule. Already waisted a week now becuase of it.
I tried for the past hour looking through google trying all kinds of searches, and hoping to find a cached page. I found a few, but not what I need.
The page I need is supposed to be at:
If you are somehow able to find that page cached... omg that would be awsome!
If you think you may be able to help me build the engine, that would be equally great!
Hell I would love to try to figure it out on my own if I knew where to begin.... any help would be great!
Does anyone here have access to