data recovery from sata drive?

MizugoriMizugori NYC
edited September 2004 in Hardware
okay im thinking im f-ed here at this point. is there any way i can try to get some of the files off of my screwed up SATA drive? the drive just won't load windows all of a sudden. its detected by the bios, and the seagate diagnostics doesn't seem to know what to do with it.

so are there any decent programs or something that can try to pull files from it??



  • EQuitoEQuito SoCal, USA
    edited September 2004
    Do you have another drive, preferably a PATA drive? if so, load Windows to it and see if you can salvage the data using explorer.
    If not, an old but efficient program is Lost & Found. It has been discontinued for some time now but you can still find copies around the web.
    It works from DOS so don't expect the full name of the file to be seen but it has saved my ass a couple of times.

    Good luck!
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