Nothing happens when I try to run HijackThis


My problem is that I keep getting pop-ups that say either "you (or a program) has requested information from blah-blah-blah, which interent connection do you want to use" (this happens when offline) and "do you wish to install blah-blah-blah" and then another pop-up that says I have to click "yes" if I want to see the site I was trying to access.

This seems to be very similar to the problem ineedlotsofhelp ran into on Aug. 12.

So using that particular thread as a guide I have run both spybot and ad aware. Now I am trying to run HijackThis but nothing seems to happen. I unzipped it, of course, to get the icon with the dynamite on it, but whenever I try to open or run it, nothing happens. What am I doing wrong? :banghead:

Thanks. Please help.


  • mmonninmmonnin Centreville, VA
    edited September 2004
    Have you figured this out yet?
  • edited September 2004
    mmonnin wrote:
    Have you figured this out yet?

    No, decided it would probably just be easier to re-install. I was infected with the sasser virus and too many little problems remained after removing the virus with the symantec tool. All the fixes I read about couldn't be done. I couldn't run norton anti-virus, couldn't run hijackthis, couldn't even run regedit. :bawling: Since the computer was new the cost of re-installing wasn't too high.

    It was still a highly enlightening experience. I realized that iin this dark evil world windows XP is like an innocent 15-year old daughter who looks like Britney Spears. You have to make sure she's protected before exposing her to the world wide web. :grr:

    Thanks. But just out of curiosity, did you have an easy fix? :)
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