Mathematical breathrough could destroy e-commerce

A mathematical breakthrough regarding prime numbers could invalidate internet security measures. The Riemann hypothesis is one of seven 'milennium problems' for which there is a $1 million reward for solving.
Source: vnunet.comThe proof should give us more understanding of how the primes work. If it does, it will bring the whole of ecommerce to its knees, overnight. So there are very big implications.
here is a good one
Nowhere in that story does it explain or hint at how eCommerce could be brought to its knees. Perhaps there's no simple way to explain it but from what I read in the other links it appears that the theory could predict random numbers. In a sense...random ecommerce codes would no longer be classified as random...since the theory could predict them.
This could mean that randomly generated codes, passwords, etc (and encryption to a certain degree) could be cracked by prediction.
I guess, if I'm right in my interpretation, that could have been included in the story.
But for now...I classify the VU Net story as a chicken little.
MediaMan: My guess is it has more to do with factoring a product of prime numbers to crack encryption algorithms rather than random number generation (for which there are a multitude of ways).
Thanks for the link gibbonsl