SP2 - screwed my Internet Connection!

edited September 2004 in Science & Tech
Is this a known problem with SP2? How do I get it back? I turned off MS firewall and am running Sygate personal (although MS kept saying I had none installed). Also running NOD32. I had to uninstall both temporarily to get SP2 installed, then I reinstalled Sygate and NOD. Now when I try to connect through my router and cable modem, IE just sets there awhile thinking and does nothing. Don't think I even get a normal check DNS error screen or whatever.


  • JustinJustin Atlanta
    edited September 2004
    Disable all firewalls, try typing something in the address bar instead of just letting it load your homepage. It seems that anti-virus programs and firewalls, including the one that comes with SP2 don't like going to what ever your home page is while they are enabled. Just get past your home page and turn everything back on. You can try it with one or both off and see what you are comfortable with as far a personal security is concerned.
  • edited September 2004
    Never had a problem with my homepages. I've got SP2 firewall off, plus I tried going to microsoft.com too!
  • JustinJustin Atlanta
    edited September 2004
    Tried turing everything else off as well?
  • MediaManMediaMan Powered by loose parts.
    edited September 2004
    WinXP SP2 "things go bork and how you fixed it" thread.

    Look down to the post WHERE'D MY INTERNET GO?

  • edited September 2004
    yea man, same thing happened to me, I jus uninstalled it.
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