suggestions on who to buy my new hdd from?

MizugoriMizugori NYC
edited September 2004 in Hardware
alright my seagate 160 GB SATA just died mysteriously, so im a little skeptical. i thought seagate was the best. im going to be buying a replacement; any suggestions on who to go with? im looking on newegg, and the big players seem to be hitachi, maxtor, western digital, seagate, and samsung. who should i go with? nothing, and i mean nothing, pisses me off more than a dead drive because realistically you can never keep up with backups enough to prevent losing some stuff you care about. but i also don't want it to be very loud.



  • MediaManMediaMan Powered by loose parts.
    edited September 2004
    Do you have your receipt. I beleive SEAGATE's warranty is now 5 years. RMA it.

    PS: I use Seagate and Maxtor for PATA and SATA. Have only had one problem where I RMA'd a Maxtor drive. (Plus I run two (or more) drives and backup to the second drive.)
  • MizugoriMizugori NYC
    edited September 2004
    if i wanted to buy two slightly smaller drives, like maybe 2 80 GB sata's, how complicated would it be to set them up in a raid? the goal being purely a performance boost, not a "clone" setup or anything like that. from now on ill USE my goddam dvd burner lol
  • MediaManMediaMan Powered by loose parts.
    edited September 2004
    What motherboard do you have. Has it got onboard RAID? It's not that difficult.
  • MizugoriMizugori NYC
    edited September 2004
    i have an abit nf7-s 2.0


    i bought it used, but ive had it for months so i don't suspect anything there. but it does mean no RMA.

    now, here are two that im looking at; why does the 200gb have a 5yr warranty and its only OEM, while the 160GB retail only has a 1 year warranty?? i don't understand! i wonder which one i should go with...sigh...please someone make a suggestion
  • MadballMadball Fort Benton, MT
    edited September 2004
    you usually don't need a reciept to rma a hard drive. I've rma'd several, used or bought new, and haven't had any problem.
  • MizugoriMizugori NYC
    edited September 2004
    really? how would i do that?

    *edit never mind damn i looked up the numbers on their site and it says the warranty expired june 2004 oh well

    thanks tho
  • MadballMadball Fort Benton, MT
    edited September 2004
    Mizugori wrote:
    really? how would i do that?

    I'm not familiar with Seagate, but for WD and Maxtor you just go to their website and request a RMA # and they ask for the drives serial and model # and some info about you and its done. They send you a new one, you send yours back in the same box.
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