Help with HSA

I've been trying to use hijack this, About Buster and a few other programs to kill my HSA bug but nothing has worked for more than a few minutes. What is the best approach to take to fix this #%$# thing. Should I post a log? Follow the instructions that are "sticky" up top?


  • DexterDexter Vancouver, BC Canada
    edited September 2004
    The best approach is to follow our Home Search Assistant Removal Guide.

    This has helped numerous people cure this problem on their systems.

    Post back here in this thread to let us know how that worked for you.

  • edited September 2004
    I did use it and it worked like a charm. Thanks for all your help. I'm sick to death of all this spyware crap and will be moving over to firefox as my browser ASAP.
  • DexterDexter Vancouver, BC Canada
    edited September 2004
    Glad we could help you :D

    Please read our article on Defeating Spyware for tips on how to improve your Internet Explorer security, or to learn how to switch to a different browser. For more general information about spyware read this page.

    If you are running Windows XP, and have not yet upgraded to Service Pack 2, please do so, especially if you plan to stay on Internet Explorer. SP2 introduces some security features to help protect you from unwanted downloads in Internet Explorer. Upgrade to XP Service Pack 2 here, courtesy of Short-Media's downloads section.

    Finally, if you have not already done so, please take the time to find out more about Folding For a Cure, a good cause by which your computer uses it's spare power to help search for cures to diseases. We would love to have you on our Team.

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