Corsair XLPRO Questions - Help!

NeoFXNeoFX Utah, US of A
edited September 2004 in Hardware
Ok, well, I decided that I needed a gig of ram if I was going to be happy w/ a few of the most recent games so I decided I'd get the Corsair XMS PC3200XLPRO kit ... I read that it was VERY overclockable and still kept low timings overclocked. With my Corsair XMS PC3500C2PT I was running 5:4 250/200 and that was fine... I didn't ever play w/ the timings on that memory but when I tried to go 1:1 250/250 it wouldn't post and I would get a long beep noise etc... (then I would have to reset CMOS etc...)

I was hoping I would be able to boot 1:1 250/250 w/ this stuff but I tried and it didn't post, again, giving me the long beep noise... The timings it had set for it automatically were 2.5-2-2-5 so do I need to raise them a bit? (If so... what would u memory/overclocker experts guess first?)

I was really happy running my 2.6C at 3.25Ghz + and I would like to continue to do so but for now, I either run in 5:4 250/200 or keep it at defaults 1:1 200/200. I read before I got this IC7-Max 3 board that it had some issues w/ 1:1 ratios but I also heard that that was resolved somehow - I just can't remember how or where I heard that... I have what I believe is the latest bios and it doesn't resolve any 1:1 issues so if any of you know how to help me out, that would be awesome!

Thanks :D


  • TheBaronTheBaron Austin, TX
    edited September 2004
    first off - spd is the worst idea in the entire world, and is usually very very wrong.
    try 2-3-3-7 or 2.5-3-3-7
  • croc_croc_ New
    edited September 2004
    Can the ram do 250? Do some research on the net and find out what FSB ppl are getting at what timings and voltage.
  • TheBaronTheBaron Austin, TX
    edited September 2004
    croc_ wrote:
    Can the ram do 250? Do some research on the net and find out what FSB ppl are getting at what timings and voltage.

    many people are hitting 250, although it may be kind of a crapshoot. 250 is around its upper end. i guess you can see if you can do 1:1 at 230, 240. although i still like my relaxed timings suggestion
  • NeoFXNeoFX Utah, US of A
    edited September 2004
    Well.. scratch all that. 1:1 250/250 (2.5-3-3-7) does boot but the computer froze 5-10 seconds into Aquamark 3 and about 10 seconds after loading the Doom 3 menu so I'm back down to 5:4 250/200 (2.5-2-2-5) which is fine w/ me. If you have any suggestions for me I am open... Time to go play some games tho :D

    EDIT: Well... bad news. I just tried playing Doom3 w/ my above settings and after about 5min of the first mission the screen froze, and the sound started goin all choppy so I dunno whats up... back to 1:1 200/200 (2-2-2-5) for now I guess :)
  • NeoFXNeoFX Utah, US of A
    edited September 2004
    Ok, I think I have a CPU problem.. I just installed MBM5 checked my CPU temperatures at 3.25Ghz and it idles around 42C and as soon as I start folding (2 sessions ID0 and ID1) it goes up to 100% usage and the temp very quickly rises up to 50C and tapers off around 53-54C which I never noticed it doing before... I know 50C is pushing it but before I was never hitting above 51-52C in 3d games etc... I'm wondering if something is wrong w/ the contact between the HSF and the CPU or if it is something else... I don't think my freezing problem is the RAM, I think it's my CPU!
  • ThraxThrax 🐌 Austin, TX Icrontian
    edited September 2004
    3d games < Folding on temperature.
  • NeoFXNeoFX Utah, US of A
    edited September 2004
    Well... still, doesn't that 50C temp seem a bit high? Especially seeing as It has never climbed that fast before?
  • JimboraeJimborae Newbury, Berks, UK Member
    edited September 2004
    No not really, it should run ok at around 50c, what cooling have you got on it. With regard to memory what voltage is it set at. To get my bh-5 to run stable at 250 I had set it at 2.9v & above. Also I seem to remember that most people running at those speeds were only running 512mb not a gig
  • croc_croc_ New
    edited September 2004
    Sorry for leaving you on AIM neo, I had to run ... but anyways. That ram is spec'd to run at 2.75v, when you ran it at 2.8v (from the 2.6 you had it set at before) it seemed to work a little better, maybe try going up a bit more. I don't know how high you have to push the volts on that corsair to get it to run 250, but like Jimborae said ... you might have to push 2.9+.

    As for the temps, 50-55c is just fine. Just because some people are anal about their temps (me included) doesn't mean thats too high. Usually anything under 60c is pretty safe. Also, what Thrax said ... folding with 2 clients is using more cpu than just playing 3d games so of course the temps are going to be higher.
  • NeoFXNeoFX Utah, US of A
    edited September 2004
    Alright! That's a big relief. I will give a lil more voltage and try to run the benchies again...

    That may explain why I could never overclock my PC3500C2 is cuz I never played w/ voltages and timings :P bummer. (At least I didn't ruin it now that I'm trying to sell it, hehe)
  • edited September 2004
    You can pretty much cram the volts to the ram, you won't hurt it a bit with decent airflow in the case. I wouldn't hesitate to run 3.0-3.3 v on the ram. The low memory timings are great and all but with the i865 and i875 chipsets you don't lose much performance when overclocking the hell out of the fsb. I'm running 2.5-4-4-8 timings on my OCZ 4400 EL gold at 275 fsb.
    edited September 2004
    TheBaron wrote:
    first off - spd is the worst idea in the entire world, and is usually very very wrong.
    try 2-3-3-7 or 2.5-3-3-7

    yeah cas with 2,2.5,3 any thing will work but cas to ras or row precharge is very sensitive , so try x,3,3,x it will work
    increasing speed is not a problem
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