Nintendo DS To Cost $200
A Wal-Mart preorder page says the DS will cost $200. While Nintendo hasn't set a price or even a release date for the DS, the $200 pricetag is pretty high for a Nintendo handheld.
Source: c|net
Submitted by: entropyThe DS will arrive as Nintendo faces its most serious competition to date for the handheld gaming market, with Sony preparing to deliver its PlayStation Portable, a mobile complement to its market-leading home console. The PSP will sport an advanced screen, fast processor and a new 1.8GB media format adaptable to movies and music. Schelley Olhava, an analyst for researcher IDC, said she expects the PSP to arrive on the market early next year priced between $200 and $250. If that happens, it could make the DS a tough sell at $200.
Source: c|net