Automatic Updates tab missing.
not here much New
For some unknown reason 2 of our computers don't have the Automatic Updates tab in windows/system.
Both are XP Pro SP1, build 2600.
It has taken us awhile to realise this and any googling done can't find an answer.
Apart from doing a repair, does anyone have any thoughts on how to remedy this problem.
Both are XP Pro SP1, build 2600.
It has taken us awhile to realise this and any googling done can't find an answer.
Apart from doing a repair, does anyone have any thoughts on how to remedy this problem.
This is something we are trying to avoid. More problems, lol.
Been playing around with this problem for awhile. Tonight seemed like a good time for us to do some "Googling". It sure paid off.
Here is the fix she found, in case anyone else may need to know. It works, as she fixed both ours with that problem
Goto Start>Run>cmd
Type the lines below, hitting Enter after each line.
REGSVR32 C:\WINDOWS\system32\wuapi.dll
REGSVR32 C:\WINDOWS\system32\wuaueng.dll
REGSVR32 C:\WINDOWS\system32\atl.dll
REGSVR32 C:\WINDOWS\system32\wucltui.dll
REGSVR32 C:\WINDOWS\system32\wups.dll
Now restart your computer.
Updates became available immediately and the missing tab is back.
Jon & Sally (TheHandbrake Geek/Nerd)