ooh come on Prime, don't you like that kid, he is shaking his ass off, come on give that kid a break, i'm sure if you haven seen the cartoon, you will understand why i like him so much.
Wasn't there a "human-only" clause in the contest rules? Why does a self professed "butt-alien" win? I'm aghast at how short-media has been going down the drain with this TOLERANCE and "Equal rights" crap...
btw, did you receive my address info yet??
Taking over earth one PRIZE at a time
You lucky son of a b... I mean, your deserve it man.
well done leishi85 for winning it but what d'ya win and how? I've never heard of it.
Sneaky that they did it while you were out of town. I think they should offer another prize soon.
*another chance for me...
Nice prize, Me and understanding Wife would've liked that.