Half-Life runs slow on AMD/WinXP 64 system
I installed all of the Half-Life Plantinum Pack games and updated them with Steam. But they run slow on my new system running WinXP 64. Actually, the movements with the mouse seem to move at normal speed, but when I jump and shoot, it is about half as slow as normal. Windows installed my ATI Radeon 9600 SE as an ATI Radeon 9600 Pro. Would this make a difference in performance or is half-life just not able to run correclty in this environment? I haven't found any 64-bit drivers for my ATI Radeon 9600 SE. :banghead:
Windows device manager displays the two entries below:
Display Adaptors:
RADEON 9600 PRO Famliy (Microsoft Corporation)
RADEON 9600 PRO SEC Famliy (Microsoft Corporation)
Windows XP 64-bit
AMD Athlon 64 3200+
ASUS K8V SE Deluxe
1GB Corsair DDR
36GB SATA Raptor
ATI Radeon 9600 SE
AD1980 SoundMax
Windows device manager displays the two entries below:
Display Adaptors:
RADEON 9600 PRO Famliy (Microsoft Corporation)
RADEON 9600 PRO SEC Famliy (Microsoft Corporation)
Windows XP 64-bit
AMD Athlon 64 3200+
ASUS K8V SE Deluxe
1GB Corsair DDR
36GB SATA Raptor
ATI Radeon 9600 SE
AD1980 SoundMax
Dual boot with Winxp normal
but a problem i have is deciding on which OS to use...regular XP Pro or i want to give XP 64 a try...
any suggestions..
I've got the official version of this OS and gaming runs smooth as a baby's butt for me.. infact, I get an average of 12 FPS higher in HL2/CSS on Windows XP Pro x64 Bit.. plus it looks much sharper graphics wise..
I noticed you said that XP x64 recognized your card as a 9600 Pro .. are you using the "native xp x64" drivers? or ATi's x64 drivers? ATi cards don't run as well as nVidia cards on WinXP x64 Bit for some reason.. but just keep trying newer drivers, beta and whql. Also.. try updating your mainboard chipset drivers too...
Windows XP Pro x64 Bit plays games just fine, if your experiencing problems, its not the OS .. it's something else... more than likely the drivers.
I've been running the "official version" of Windows XP Pro x64 Bit since it was released in May 2005 .. I've got 11 games installed and "all" run perfectly, some of them are HL2/CSS, Counter-Strike 1.6, Medal Of Honor:Pacific Assault, FarCry (32 and x64 Bit), ut2004 x64 Bit, Doom3/Doom3:RoE, Brothers in Arms:Road to Hill 30, Call Of Duty, Call Of Duty 2 Demo, etc.. they all run just as good or better on Windows XP Pro x64 Bit.
Your experience is very encouraging. I've held off on XP Pro 64-Bit due to a complete lack of drivers for my TV card. It may be time to stick my ATi TV Wonder VE in another computer and make the move.