Run as pop up nag

edited October 2004 in Science & Tech
Any time I open a program I get the
run as which user account do you want to use to run this program. My only option is to uncheck the protect my computer box and I can use my programs. But this is getting on my nerves.
I followed some instructions on running hijack this in safe mode. I did this a couple of times and probably deleted everything it showed, with a reboot after each.
I have also run these programs cwshreddar, spybot, ad aware, spyremover and trojan gaurder.
I removed most all of my programs to try and find out what is doing this, I have done housecall and trend micro internet security which is still on my computer.
Everything I found from the programs I deleted, then ran again and all was good but still I get that pop up.
Thanks for any help or ideals about this and sorry if its in the wrong spot.
Thanks again Tim :banghead:


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