Sophos Discovers Plea For Work In Latest MyDoom Variants
Technicians at British anti-virus firm Sophos said on Friday they had discovered a plea for work inserted deep in the lines of code for two new computer worm outbreaks, "MyDoom-U" and "MyDoom-V."
Yeah, here's some work for you: Take these big rocks and make them into smaller ones with this sledgehammer and then go press some license plates when you're finished. -KF
Source: CNN/Reuters
Submitted by: Gargoyle"We searching 4 work in AV (anti-virus) industry," read the message. Because it was inserted in the code, the message was only visible to anti-virus professionals.
Yeah, here's some work for you: Take these big rocks and make them into smaller ones with this sledgehammer and then go press some license plates when you're finished. -KF
Source: CNN/Reuters
"So John, anything more you'd like to share?"
"Yep, actually. I wrote a virus infecting hundreds of thousands of computers and was lame enough to beg for work using them. I figure, 'Hey, this can't do anything but boost my reputation. Plus I'll have millions of references!'"
"Uhhhhhh ... yeah ... we'll get back to you, okay?" *presses big red police button under desk*