Hey Tex...

You have mentioned several times about adding your own drivers to your xp install cd.. can you point out a guide for doing this?
id like to add the nvidia drivers for my nf7s and current ati drivers to my cd.
id like to add the nvidia drivers for my nf7s and current ati drivers to my cd.
I need to get a dvd burner and just use a single dvd to install. Heck.. I could put an image on a dvd, then turn around would be under 30 min.
Black hawk.. i keep getting distracted by your avatar...
took me 5 min to write this reply...
Email me and I'll hook you up with sample files or even a full dvd you can download and just edit the files yourself for the cd-key and user specific stuff.
I have never seen a guide for stuff like gateway or dells OEM cd's as you would have to edit their .cab files etc..... I use a .sif answer file and add the OEM drivers path along with other stuff.