Lawmakers OK Video Voyeurism Privacy Bill
The U.S. House of Representatives joined the Senate Tuesday in passing privacy protections against video voyeurism. The House bill makes it a crime to engage in illicit photography or "cyber peeking" on federal property.
Source: Internet News
Expect a court challenge and spirited debate on this issue in the future. -KFThe legislation calls for maximum fines of $100,000 with possible jail time of up to one year. Bill author Mike Oxley (R-Ohio) said the legislation is narrowly limited to federal lands to serve as a model law for states. Similar legislation has already passed the Senate. Minor differences between the two bills are expected to be quickly resolved and the legislation sent to President Bush. According to the Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC), the Internet, combined with cell phone cameras, PDAs and a host other miniature lens, has turned surreptitiously obtained video into a sport for many voyeurs.
Source: Internet News