New California Law Bans Anonymous Media File Sharing
Aiding the industry that helped him gain worldwide fame, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger signed legislation Tuesday aimed at discouraging online piracy by requiring anyone disseminating movies or music on the Internet to disclose their e-mail address.
Source: SFGATE.comCalifornia file sharers who trade songs or films without providing an e- mail address will be guilty of a misdemeanor, under the first-in-the-nation measure that could make it easier for law enforcement to track down people who illegally download copyrighted material. The bill is the latest attempt by film and music trade associations to combat the hard-to-police use of file-sharing software.
which is registered to bob smith from the fair city of nowhereville california. 90210..
ummm yeah.. thats gonna work.. wont be long before the anti spam lawyers scream that having to give your email address will facilitate spam.. which is waaaaaaaayyyyy more important to people than some people trading movies...
which is also registered,,,,
like you Gobbles who does he think ihe is fooling...