Painful upgrade to K8VSE and 3200 AMD 64

edited September 2004 in Hardware
Hi Guys,
I'm upgrading my computer, and am having a terrible time of it.
I've read 48 hours worth of problems folks have had with this mobo/cpu, and have tried a number of things to iron it out, only to continue running into walls.
I guess I'm looking for a magic bullet here. There's obviously something I'm overlooking.
I bought the bundle from mwave, and paid the extra 9 bucks for them to install the parts and test the board so I didn't have to go through the all too frequent doa/rma crap I've been getting with asus boards. The tech at mwave claims the board loaded windows. I can't even begin to get it to load windows.
On my boot disk lies windows xp pro sp2. The bios will note both my hard drives as well as my dvd burner and cdrw.
The few post screens I've seen suggest that I've failed overclocking. When I go back and lower the fsb, that post goes away, but the board still won't grab the OS and run.
Any help at all will be hugely appreciated!!!


  • edcentricedcentric near Milwaukee, Wisconsin Icrontian
    edited September 2004
    You have cleared the bios right? You are at full default setting right?
  • JimboraeJimborae Newbury, Berks, UK Member
    edited September 2004
    What are you other specs i.e memory, bios revision no., graphics card etc.
  • ShortyShorty Manchester, UK Icrontian
    edited September 2004
    Memory specs especially please :)
  • edited September 2004
    I got her flyin.
    I guess that I couldn't see the post screen (not so much as a flicker in some instances) so I assumed I wasn't accessing my hard drives. Being as the OS was preinstalled, it turns out she just wouldn't pick it up.
    I'm reinstalling XP SP1 right now, and will finish up SP2 later.
    I read a lot of discussion here about bios settings and memory, here's what's happening here...
    I was initially running default settings on the 3rd bios revision. I've since updated to the 4th revision, and it's running without a hitch (so far). The memory is MWave brand 512mb 3200. I think a sticker on it says it's made by velocity.
    I do need to go back and disable the promise controller in bios and a few other things to speed up my post.
    Aside from the K8vse mobo, the ram I mentioned, and the AMD 64 3200, I also picked up a 9800 Pro by ATI. I'm gonna see what I can do to screw it up shortly. It's installed and it's drivers are, and so far everything's okay.
    I found that Asus needs to stay out of the utilities software arena. I checked out some of their bundled "utilities" and aside from the poor, broken english and crappy interfaces, I found that they were also buggy and mostly worthless.
    I did get ahold of one of their support guys today, and although arrogant and short tempered, he really was a big help. He settled me back into moving step by step instead of flying wild. After talking with him, I had the system working in 15 minutes.
    At any rate, Thanks to all of you!!! The insight at this forum has been a HUGE help, and I truly appreciate all of you holding out a hand to help.
    Thanks again!!!
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