Don't laugh but IE popups not working

EyesOnlyEyesOnly Sweden New
edited June 2005 in Science & Tech
I know it might sound funny but popups in Ie aren't working. Whenever i try to open a window like those in windows update it just shows an empty window. Windows update works but when i try to find out more about something, that window doesn't open. Neither does MS game advisor.

i found a setting in internet settings i hadn't seen before about popups (was prolly installed with sp2) but even after enabling popups there as well as in zone setting it still didn't work.

What's wrong.


  • EyesOnlyEyesOnly Sweden New
    edited September 2004
    tried reinstalling java since it is java scrips that open those windows but it still doesn't work
  • Straight_ManStraight_Man Geeky, in my own way Naples, FL Icrontian
    edited September 2004
    OH! IF you have IE and have XP and have SP2 on it, the following could be happening:

    First, to get Microsoft sites to work fully, I have them as Trusted Sites-- I simply am NOT going to lower all my zones to LOW and Microsft can use the following technology on its sites and does (It has not as of yet used much Sun Java for Windows update, what it calls Javascript is not Sun Java script but instead is what I call Jscript or J++ or J# Script whihc is not a Sun Language, it is Microsoft's "Java" DERIVATIVE (loose one these days I would call it a differen tlanguage due to the things it does that Sun Java will simply NOT do at all). Low setting, or medium low, in Trusted Sites Zone, lets Windows Update 5 (new version that XP SP2 folks are using by default now) work reasonably well. Medium or higher breaks it. So, what plays into the different security settings??? Between Low and Medium, the following get more and more restricted:

    ActiveX (at medium and up, an activeX has to be local or from a trustede provider to work and be run by IE, otherwise it is blocked by default).

    JScript is more and more restricted also, even more than in IE 6.0 SP1.

    If you went from IE 5.5 to IE 6.0 SP2 there are some hidden config gotchas that might come into play with config settigns also, the right way is to take IE 5.5 to 6.0 pre-SP1 or SP1(either, both installers can convert config settings from 5.5 to 6.0 right) and THEN take IE 6.0 SP1 to IE SP2. I've had to uninstall IE 6.0 SP2, let XP roll back to an Older IE of version 5+ vintage, then take an IE Admin Kit and install IE 6.0 (and I have IEAK CDs from Microsoft for 6.0 SP1 so that is what I normally use) and then reload IE 6.0 SP2 then the configs are not mashed, and indeed this fixes some issues like you have on WindowsUpadte AND on other sites.

    URL\URI parsing security changes happen in IE SP2 also:

    The trusted sites zone trick sometimes lets the problem vaporize for specific domains and subdomains, but IE 6.0 SP2 can be subdomain specific for trusted sites (so is no longer considered same as a blanket trusted site entry for in IE 6.0 SP2, nor is a trusted site zone entry for going to be same as in IE 6.0 SP2 and a blanket http://* will not cover ALL domains in Microsft) any longert due to URL parsing security built into IE in other patches to provide anti-spoofing security and redirect security options.

    This lets me run normal Internet Zone security at HIGH or medium high and I handle exceptions on a subdomain specific basis in Trusted Sites and am very careful what I put there. BUT, every subdomain URL I want to have must have a Trusted Sites entry. To get them there, you get to uncheck the checkbox next to the taxt line that talks about forcing Trusted Sites to only be those with https prefixes, then you can enter sites. IF you have doen this uncheck and still cannot enter normal HTTP sites, then leave this dialog with the box unchecked with apply and ok if needed and then close and restart IE. This SHOULD unlock that, and if not you might have a mashed config file change buggy thing cropping up and get to reload IE if clearing the Internet CACHE and cookies do not help fix and checking for malware finds nothing. Easiest (least complex to do) fix, technically, if you have that, is to unistall IE 6.0 SP2, see if you have IE 6.0 SP1 installed after that and if not then install that, and THEN reload IE 6.0 SP2. I've had more folks with security config issue that have not taken IE to 6.0 or IE 6.0 SP1 before installing XP SP2 than ever. Where I can, I AM putting SP2 on and if need be installing Mozilla 1.73 for email and normal browsing. Note, uninstalling and reinstalling IE the way I say to do it will force a new config file setup. For soem things ti is possible to erase files and force IE to regen them, but for some if you erase you break IE and get to uninstall it to older, then reinstall newer again anyhow and I just do not bother to try hyperfine fixes for multiple-cause-possible problems like this.

    I will be looking at Mozilla 1.7.4 in next three weeks hoepfully, time frame for that should be in next three weeks or less and they ARE working on some issues in re Frontpage and ActiveX and Jscript in Mozilla at dev level. There are some questions about the Sun JavaVM plugin working on XP SP2 popping up also (where same JavaVM plugin WORKED with XP SP1), I have not heard enough verified info to go into those definitively yet.
  • EyesOnlyEyesOnly Sweden New
    edited September 2004
    i tried entering various links to microsofts site but still no go. do i need to reboot.
  • EyesOnlyEyesOnly Sweden New
    edited January 2005

    Just wanted to make an update:

    Nothing has changed. What can i do? I use firefox any chance i get and because of that i get really pissed when the few sites that wont open in ff doesn't work in ie either.

    Would running a reair install of xp fix this. Would i loose alot of settings if a did a reapair. I really don't want to reformat and reinstall windows.
  • Access_DeniedAccess_Denied tennessee
    edited January 2005
    you wouldnt by any chance have Ad-Watch that comes with Ad-aware and have it on do ya? just a thought
  • AranyicAranyic Casstown, OH Icrontian
    edited January 2005
    Do you get the information bar across the top of IE (under the address bar) that says popups are blocked? You can allow them on specific sites by clicking on that.
  • EyesOnlyEyesOnly Sweden New
    edited January 2005
    you wouldnt by any chance have Ad-Watch that comes with Ad-aware and have it on do ya? just a thought

    No i don't have it. I did however have some feature from spybot about blocking some downloads but deactivating it didn't help.
  • EyesOnlyEyesOnly Sweden New
    edited January 2005
    Aranyic wrote:
    Do you get the information bar across the top of IE (under the address bar) that says popups are blocked? You can allow them on specific sites by clicking on that.

    No i don't. But then i turned it off. Even when it was on it was on low priority since i usually only go to ms sites with ie so i'm not to worried. Still though it did allow popups in a windows but wouldn't show anything in that windows. The bar said that popups had been allowed but why are the windows empty. It clearly isn't blocking it's creation just the content. Whenever a new window is opened it just sits there with an hourglass that never goes away.
    :scratch: :shakehead :rolleyes:
  • maxanonmaxanon Montreal
    edited February 2005
    Do you have certain site blocked that were added to your zone? For example, do you have a software firewall running? They could be blocking some 3rd party servers that normally deliver pop-up content.
  • EyesOnlyEyesOnly Sweden New
    edited June 2005
    This issue has been solved. Since noone here seemed to know what was wrong i went to ms support to see if i could get some help, and i got lucky. Here's a link to the page with solution.

    My luck was short though since soon after my hd crashed. More on that here
  • EyesOnlyEyesOnly Sweden New
    edited June 2005
    This just happened again but i was ones again mable to fix it. Why is this happening.
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