California To Post Sex Offenders' Data On Net
California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger signed a law on Friday that would post information on sex offenders on the Internet, giving Californians easier access to details on violators.
Source: c|net
This will certainly stir debate as it directly pits the rights to privacy of sex offenders against the public right to know... -KFUnder the legislation, the home address, name, photo and other details of sex offenders will be posted online. Previously such information was only available at places such as police stations in California. "By providing sex offender information on the Internet, California will finally join the majority of other states that make this information accessible to parents and others," said Schwarzenegger, a father of four.
Source: c|net
I do not see how it prevents crime. A pervert can drive a car to another neighborhood, after all . . .
(3rd degree CSM being something like an 18 year old dude having sex with his 17 year old girlfriend and the parents pressing charges, or other things like that)
It's a complicated problem though. Since I have two young boys, I certainly want to know if any of my neighbors are convicted pedophiles. I also want to know if a convicted rapist lives in my neighborhood. I wouldn't vandalize his house. I WOULD tell my kids to avoid that person. It's a tough situtation.