CD-ROM problem!!!!!!!!!!!
okay, so i'm trying to just make an audio cd obviously it doesn't work. so i had the bestfriend.scr virus and i got help from someone on this site and he had me delete stuff using HijackThis and I think it somehow deleted something to do with burning a CD cause before this it burned CD's fine. can anyone please help me? please reply back and I can give you any info on my computer(that I know, i don't know too much though).
You may need to just uninstall realplayer and reinstall it as they may have deleted a entry realplayer needed. But if so its easier to just reinstall realplayer then risk getting your virus back restoring stuff.
How old is this PC/burner?
formating the friggin drive is not any sort of solution for this problem.
I have built a few thousand PC's in the last 20 years. Trust me there is better ways especially for a user that is not very technicaly savy. She/He is having problems trouble shooting a simple problem here and you want her to format and reinstall windows, all her drivers, and applications? OMG. If they don't have another PC so we can walk her through the whole thing she will end up taking it to shop at having them do it at $75 an hour probably.
Versus say .... Uhhh.... uninstalling real player, making sure she can burn in XP still and maybe reinstalling real player? thats a 3 minute install. This is not only not rocket science but its not even bottle rocket science.
Sorry but I generally try and squelch the "well we didnt figure it out in 30 seconds so lets format the drive I guess" suggestions in the bud here.
Keep reading posts here and we will teach you how to really troubleshoot the problems and fix them in a better way. Lots of very smart guys post here and I'm glad you came to Short-Media. I wasn't trying to pick on ya either! We are glad your here and hope you have fun and learn alot.