WMP Flac Support?

Is there any plugin for Windows Media Auido 10 that will allow WMP to support the FLAC (Loseless Audio) file type?
What are some alternatives?
Thanks for your help.
What are some alternatives?
Thanks for your help.

I installed the CoreFlac Decoder and it works great. Thanks a bunch.
What exactly is a codec and how does this Flac Encoder work?
Have you used the encoder?
Thanks again.
I haven't used the codec. All of my music is in mp3.
I just tried this lossless codec and it rocks so far.
The raw .wav is 96,214 kb on a song i have here. Encoded in FLAC without any loss in quality at all, it's at 70,838 kb. The best of all is that while encoded in FLAC, you can use it in most hardware systems and players as well. Even car stereos. That means a 99min cd which works in most car stereos, can hold a lot of FLAC songs and without quality loss. A complete cd took about a minute do decode(including verification) from FLAC to .Wav on a Barton@2.4, so it isn't a slow encoder/decoder either. Recommended!