What is Icrontic?
I've seen it mentioned a few times on most of the threads I've read. I thought, 'maybe it was the name of the older Short-media.' Turns out it was another site? I read that they were hit by massive waves of virii or something, but other than that, nada.
There's a new Icrontic now, owned by some of the old members, but by in large all the members of Icrontic are here.
Basically what happened was:
Icrontic got hacked, BIG time.. The owner of the site, which was always an immature screw-loose, had been telling MediaMan and Celcho to back up the wrong databases the entire time they were in the administrative position.
The end result was: Icrontic got hacked, there was nothing left.
The domain got put on ebay, and sold for several thousand dollars.
Shorty, Primesuspect, and MediaMan collaborated to bring S-M as its successor.
Kinda sucked, though. How long ago did this happen?
edit: /ignore My guess is, some of the old members got it up and running again?
[edit: nm, read your entire post]
I agree, people give Mortin a lot of **** and thats really not fair. It did seem that he lost interest in the site towards the end, but he did put a lot of work into it. I understand he got under some people's skin, but he was generally a pretty good guy.
I understand he's passed away but since I'm kinda new myself and never hung at Icrontic I never knew him so I've always wondered what happened to him and a bit about who he was.
If anyone will enlighten me I'd really appreaciate it.
He kind of got on a few people's nerves shortly before he passed, because he did nothing but post news articles about various conspiracies, facts of America vs. the Taliban, etc.
He was syndicating almost every single FNN and CNN article to us. Heh.
But then one day it all stopped.. We were all curious, everyone needs a break now and again you know? Then we got word from whom I believe was his son, that he had died only a few days after we began to notice that he was no longer posting.
The sudden shock of actually losing a member was hard; so we attribute everyone's first 5000 points to Bart, and dedicated our first Clawhammer/Sledgehammer release thread to him.. He was really looking forward to those chips, and was the one who made Icrontic's longest thread ever about those very chips.
It goes on, but we miss him. It isn't quite the same without his paranoia.. And I mean that in a good way. Some things you just love to hate.
To my knowledge, the server that SM is hosted on is currently named "bart."
He had very strong feelings as well and alot of people clashed with him on a variety of topics. I think he rather enjoyed it. He is missed in the debate forums for his veracity, tenaciousness and his copious postings. I miss him too. He was ALWAYS there, ready with an opinion.
It's hard losing a friend like that, I had a friend as a young man that I used to hang out with and we had a falling out, a couple of months later I went over to his house to patch things up with him and found out from his dad that he had been hit by a drunk driver while he was visiting his brother in Reno and had been killed.
I've never forgiven myself for that and I never will, we last spoke on bad terms and I really liked the guy but I was the one dogging him for acting like a geek around my other friends...it's something I'll never forgive myself for and something I'll try to never repeat.
Things happen so suddenly and we have no way of knowing when our or someone's we know number will roll around and when it happens out of the blue like that it's really a shock.
I guess I'm trying to say just enjoy the people around you, you never know when they'll no longer be there.
Long live Bart.
Red - mick
I wish we had our old DBs so we could really know when.
Creep introduced me to this site while we were fragging it up on a Counterstrike server. I came in expecting a long list of forgotten threads, and so on and so forth.
It's nice to be part of a team that has, dare I say it, a "rich history."
Bart was a Opinionated SOB but you just had to love him for that! He was the residential Pharmacist ( if i remember corerectly) that spend all his free time on IC. he Never let the front page get stail. This one for you mate!
Did they end up catching the hax0rs?
Thats all good that you think that, BUT if you hate it so much why do you visit?
As DJ-Quack said: