how to attach smarfan to alx 800

nomannoman pakistan
edited October 2004 in Hardware

guys i have this tt smartfan2

i am going to use it with this

but when i try to stretch the wire clips they dont seem to reach the top screw holes on the fan casing..... i feel i am applying too much force and i may bend/damage the wire clips....

has anyone used this combination and could someone help me how to do it?


  • csimoncsimon Acadiana Icrontian
    edited October 2004
    you shouldn't need to bend the clips at all.
    I'll look around for a pic.
  • nomannoman pakistan
    edited October 2004
    u see here in pics...
    (pic#1)the clips don't go any higher but the
    holes of the fan are high(and nothing below to support the
    ...if i pull/stretch it up(with lot of force)
    .it(clip) still doesn't go that much high...
  • Omega65Omega65 Philadelphia, Pa
    edited October 2004
    Use a Dremel or saw to cut slots.
  • nomannoman pakistan
    edited October 2004

    delta fan has are talking abt slots?

    could u show me urs? how the slots would look
    like?...then i will be able to do it correctly
  • Omega65Omega65 Philadelphia, Pa
    edited October 2004
    Sorry I sold mine 3 weeks ago.
  • nomannoman pakistan
    edited October 2004
    muddocketor has? i don't know where to cut the slots ur talking abt.......the person u sold ur's ,is he on the forum....may be i can ask him....
  • GargGarg Purveyor of Lincoln Nightmares Icrontian
    edited October 2004
    I've got a SmartFan2 on an ALX-800. I used a Dremel to make a cut at the top and bottom of the enclosed screw cylinder, then used pliers to crush the remaining middle section of the cylinder - leaving only the top and bottom squared-off sections that are on every fan.

    Later tonight (much later, busy day), I can post pictures of my fan if it helps. Just let me know.
  • nomannoman pakistan
    edited October 2004
    this was helpfull..thanx.. but if u post ur pics... that would be much much better.

    where is muddocktor???
  • edited October 2004
    noman, I got in from the rig late last night and I'm leaving tonight to go to another one for 2 more weeks, but what Gargoyle showed you in the picture he posted is what I did. I removed that center section with a Dremel tool but you can also do it like Gargoyle did or even use a file and file that center piece out. The idea is to make it end up looking like a normal 80mm case fan on the ear section so that your clips will hold.

    That's the first time I've seen the ALX800 heatsink; I didn't know that the clips hold the bottom ears on the fan. On the SLK series of heatsinks, the clips go over the top of the fan and they mave multiple holes on the heatsink for the clips to mount in to allow didderent size fans to be used.
  • Mt_GoatMt_Goat Head Cheezy Knob Pflugerville (north of Austin) Icrontian
    edited October 2004
    I hope my mod to mudd's pic helps.

    You basiclly remove the gray section (or what's referred to as the web) from all 4 corners so it looks like your Delta or most other fans.
  • MAGICMAGIC Doot Doot Furniture City, Michigan Icrontian
    edited October 2004
    lol, i did that same exat thing, i just bent the wire up over top the fan and screwed it down.
  • nomannoman pakistan
    edited October 2004
    waiting for Gargolyte's pic :o
  • GargGarg Purveyor of Lincoln Nightmares Icrontian
    edited October 2004
    I took a pic, but now I can't find my USB cable to connect to my camera. :(
    I'll look for the cable again when I get home tonight.
  • nomannoman pakistan
    edited October 2004
    ok...take ur time.. no hurry :D:thumbsup:
  • GargGarg Purveyor of Lincoln Nightmares Icrontian
    edited October 2004
    Heh, the same time I found my cable, my internet went out for a day. Here are the pics finally.

    I didn't do as clean of a job as I had remembered, but it works. Just need to cut out the bottom part of the enclosed cylinder. I made two dremel cuts, crushed the space between them with pliers, and then filed it down.
  • LawnMMLawnMM Colorado
    edited October 2004
    FYI... you didn't have to dremel it, just pull the middle of the clip back towards you so the ends slip in between the screw slots. Put a combo exactly like that together without a problem a few months ago.
  • nomannoman pakistan
    edited October 2004
    FYI... you didn't have to dremel it, just pull the middle of the clip back towards you so the ends slip in between the screw slots. Put a combo exactly like that together without a problem a few months ago.

    would u mind putting up a pic or two of what u did?
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