Audio ripping - best format / software
OwnerDetroit Icrontian
I'm looking to start ripping my entire CD collection to my computer. Essentially, space is not an issue so I'd like the best quality format and settings that will work on my iPod too. I've seen .aac thrown around as a good format for this, and I've heard EAC is a good application to do this. Any opinions on format, software, and/or options to pay attention to?
General opinion seems to agree that one of the finest applications for conversion is EAC but it takes a long time to do a conversion.
Personally, since I have more sense than disk space, I rip everything in 192-256kbps VBR mp3 at the highest quality via CDex (Which uses LAME). If I really like the source, I grace it with 192-256kbps VBR OGG.
OGG takes longer to rip than MP3, so I usually shoot for convenience.
Thanks for the suggestions everyone! There seems to be a trend toward LAME mp3 via Cdex so I'll check that out I think.
Even though you've pretty much made a decision, keebs, throw in another one for exactly what Thrax said. Works wonderfully.
basically what Thrax said. nice size/quality ratio. everything reads mp3's, might as well keep it simple.
edit: as for programs, you can use CDEX or Media Center 10. or anything else that rips using LAME.
/me hugs mp3 format