Audio ripping - best format / software

LincLinc OwnerDetroit Icrontian
edited October 2004 in Internet & Media
I'm looking to start ripping my entire CD collection to my computer. Essentially, space is not an issue so I'd like the best quality format and settings that will work on my iPod too. I've seen .aac thrown around as a good format for this, and I've heard EAC is a good application to do this. Any opinions on format, software, and/or options to pay attention to?


  • JustinJustin Atlanta
    edited October 2004
    Personally, I like MusicMatch and ripping to 96kbps mp3PRO. Sounds good, low file volume, easilly read on newer players. I am by no means an audiophile so my opinioon is just that, an opinion. For even better sound but larger file size, go with the same program but rip to 320kbps standard mp3, sounds great but will eat up iPod and battery life...
  • primesuspectprimesuspect Beepin n' Boopin Detroit, MI Icrontian
    edited October 2004
    I like AAC lossless. That's what I ripped my whole collection to.
  • GnomeWizarddGnomeWizardd Member 4 Life Akron, PA Icrontian
    edited October 2004
    cdex for mp3
  • ArmoArmo Mr. Nice Guy Is Dead,Only Aqua Remains Member
    edited October 2004
    LAME mp3
  • floppybootstompfloppybootstomp Greenwich New
    edited October 2004
    I’ve used dbPoweramp for years, always been happy with the results. I also like cdex

    General opinion seems to agree that one of the finest applications for conversion is EAC but it takes a long time to do a conversion.
  • ThraxThrax 🐌 Austin, TX Icrontian
    edited October 2004
    FLAC is a lossless uncompressed format, and if your delicate earsies can hear an ant step on a germ, it's the one for you! ;D Naturally it sounds the most like the source. Most of the <s>RIPPED AUDIO NAZIS</s> audiophiles seem to prefer it.

    Personally, since I have more sense than disk space, I rip everything in 192-256kbps VBR mp3 at the highest quality via CDex (Which uses LAME). If I really like the source, I grace it with 192-256kbps VBR OGG.

    OGG takes longer to rip than MP3, so I usually shoot for convenience.
  • LincLinc Owner Detroit Icrontian
    edited October 2004
    I like AAC lossless. That's what I ripped my whole collection to.
    What software do you use for this? I'd like to have a look at it... :)

    Thanks for the suggestions everyone! There seems to be a trend toward LAME mp3 via Cdex so I'll check that out I think.
  • CycloniteCyclonite Tampa, Florida Icrontian
    edited October 2004
    Thrax wrote:
    FLAC is a lossless uncompressed format, and if your delicate earsies can hear an ant step on a germ, it's the one for you! ;D Naturally it sounds the most like the source. Most of the <s>RIPPED AUDIO NAZIS</s> audiophiles seem to prefer it.

    Personally, since I have more sense than disk space, I rip everything in 192-256kbps VBR mp3 at the highest quality via CDex (Which uses LAME). If I really like the source, I grace it with 192-256kbps VBR OGG.

    OGG takes longer to rip than MP3, so I usually shoot for convenience.

    Even though you've pretty much made a decision, keebs, throw in another one for exactly what Thrax said. Works wonderfully.
  • primesuspectprimesuspect Beepin n' Boopin Detroit, MI Icrontian
    edited October 2004
    AAC = Apple Audio Codec lossless - iTunes' advanced format.
  • LincLinc Owner Detroit Icrontian
    edited October 2004
    AAC = Apple Audio Codec lossless - iTunes' advanced format.
    Does converting to AAC necessarily entail using .m4a format that only iTunes can read? That seems to be what's happening when I try that... :-/
  • BlackHawkBlackHawk Bible music connoisseur There's no place like Icrontian
    edited October 2004
    EAC + --alt-preset insane :vimp:
  • ArmoArmo Mr. Nice Guy Is Dead,Only Aqua Remains Member
    edited October 2004
    EAC dont work for me after SP2
  • croc_croc_ New
    edited October 2004
    MP3: LAME VBR --alt-preset standard

    basically what Thrax said. nice size/quality ratio. everything reads mp3's, might as well keep it simple.

    edit: as for programs, you can use CDEX or Media Center 10. or anything else that rips using LAME.
  • mmonninmmonnin Centreville, VA
    edited October 2004
    OGG is awesome esp if you have the speakers for it.
  • GHoosdumGHoosdum Icrontian
    edited October 2004
    I'm gonna pitch in another vote for LAME mp3 at VBR.
  • LINLIN Tri_State Area
    edited October 2004
    Does converting to AAC necessarily entail using .m4a format that only iTunes can read? That seems to be what's happening when I try that... :-/
    you have to have iTunes installed to play tracks in AAC format on your PC.

  • LincLinc Owner Detroit Icrontian
    edited October 2004
    LIN wrote:
    you have to have iTunes installed to play tracks in AAC format on your PC.

    /me hugs mp3 format
  • ThraxThrax 🐌 Austin, TX Icrontian
    edited October 2004
    There are open-source AAC codecs available, but none of them are very good.
  • GargGarg Purveyor of Lincoln Nightmares Icrontian
    edited October 2004
    Windows Media Player 10 comes with WMA Lossless. It's free. (It also finally supports mp3 for free)
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