Finally You Can All Debate
Beepin n' BoopinDetroit, MI Icrontian
Attention everyone who wanted a debate forum: is a new site DEDICATED to debate. It is short-media's ugly step-sister Our (and addaboy's) very own Kanezfan has answered the call for a debate forum by creating a site dedicated to all you arguers
So, click on, register, and enjoy countless hours of lively (or not so lively) debate.
This pretty much seals the fate of a potential debate forum on short-media. is a new site DEDICATED to debate. It is short-media's ugly step-sister Our (and addaboy's) very own Kanezfan has answered the call for a debate forum by creating a site dedicated to all you arguers
So, click on, register, and enjoy countless hours of lively (or not so lively) debate.
This pretty much seals the fate of a potential debate forum on short-media.
Do I get credit as being the first person to refer to it as KBJ?
Go over and debate on it
Or waiting around stagnantly for something new to arrive that all of us could actually afford.
True, True ;D;D