Need SATA format ABC's

MERRICKMERRICK In the studio or on a stage
edited October 2004 in Hardware
Hi everyone,

I'm was about to start ordering parts when a thought came to me. Can you help answer if/how I'll format a 2x 80GB Maxtor SATA RAID 0 on my NF7-S v2.0 if I'm using FAT32 and a winSE boot disk?

One pain comes from the fact that Maxtor utilities do not recognize SATA on RAID controllers even if the RAID is disabled. And even if they did I don't believe there is an option to to format x: /z:64

So can I:
1] Create SATA RAID 0 in BIOS?
Then can a win98SE boot disk:
1] Recognize SATA?
2] Create partiton on SATA?
3] Recognize 160GB Partion?
4] format SATA in 32k clusters?


  • TexTex Dallas/Ft. Worth
    edited October 2004
    Why are still using win98 anyway? I know this is off topic but I had to ask.

  • primesuspectprimesuspect Beepin n' Boopin Detroit, MI Icrontian
    edited October 2004
    He has a custom-built distro of Win98 that he uses for DAW (digital audio workstation) purposes.

    I don't see any reason why you can't do any of those things, Merrick. You'll just need to hunt down the DOS drivers for that RAID controller, and set up your config.sys and autoexec.bat accordingly, and then FDISK, Format (i forget the switches for cluster size. It's been several years since I used that!), and run setup.exe.
  • TexTex Dallas/Ft. Worth
    edited October 2004
    he has the switchs right. Are you sure win98 see's drives that large though? Even XP needs registry hacks or recent service packs.

    I hate using the goofy software that comes with some of the drives to make them work anbd that might screw with sata raid also.

  • MERRICKMERRICK In the studio or on a stage
    edited October 2004
    Sorry for the late reply. My internet computer was down :(

    Where would I look to find the Dos drivers for SATA RAID 0 FAT 32 on the NF7-S v2.0?
  • EQuitoEQuito SoCal, USA
    edited October 2004
    MERRICK wrote:
    Then can a win98SE boot disk:
    1] Recognize SATA?
    2] Create partiton on SATA?
    3] Recognize 160GB Partion?
    4] format SATA in 32k clusters?

    1. YES (no drivers needed)
    2. YES
    3. NO, it'll show approx. 26GB but it doesn't matter cause you'll end up with the right size after formatting.
    4. YES (a:\>format c: z:/64). It'll take approximately 30 min

    If you have XP, a better/faster approach will be to install it on a spare drive (preferably IDE), partition/format the array from within disk management, remove the spare drive and install W98 as usual.

    Good luck!
  • MERRICKMERRICK In the studio or on a stage
    edited October 2004
    Equito! Thanks for the info! You the best!!
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