no signal input
Everytime I start up my computer, my monitor reads "no signal input". I have checked the video card and it is in firmly. I have tested my video card on another computer so I am positive it works. I have also tested 3 different monitors(which work on other computers) with my computer and i still get the no signal input. Also, when i plug speakers into my sound card, a voice comes on saying "system failed cpu test," but the thing is i am 100% sure processor is working fine, because ive also tested it in another computer. I called asus, and a guy on the tech line said that my power supply could be too weak (350 watts), and i dont have alot of devices plugged into it. He also said that my bios could be outdated, and that it needs to be flashed with a newer version to run. I have also checked out the jumper settings, and the only ones are for keyboard wakeup, usb, and clrtc. Any suggestions would be helpful.
my setup (i only have a 350 watt powersupply)
amd athlon 64 3200+
asus k8v se deluxe motherboard
chaintech invidia fx 5700 LE
rosewill 512mb ddr pc3200 ram
western digital 120 gig hd
my setup (i only have a 350 watt powersupply)
amd athlon 64 3200+
asus k8v se deluxe motherboard
chaintech invidia fx 5700 LE
rosewill 512mb ddr pc3200 ram
western digital 120 gig hd
Also, to check and see the the psu is the issue, try to boot up with just the video card and ram and hsf plugged in and everything else unplugged to keep the load on the psu to the absolute minimum. It also might be an older bios installed on the mobo too, like the asus tech said, but if it's that then I would RMA the board anyways since you are probably like me and don't have multiple procs hanging around for flashing older bioses.
Is there a newer BIOS available?
Oh, and when you tried the memory in another system, was it the same type of mobo as yours? Memory can work on one type of board yet not work in another type.
O yea it was the exact same mobo, and procesor that i tried the memory on.
I hope you post a message when you get the replacement board and everything is working. After all your troubles it would be nice to wrap things up with a happy ending.