Critical updates help
Hi there! I have windows 98, SE, and I just went to the microsoft website, thinking I should see if I needed any critical updates. The site came up with 19 news ones, mostly a lot of security things. My question is, should I go ahead and accept all 19 of these, or are there some that I shouldn't take, or shouldn't bother with. If you want, I can copy and paste all of them in here, but I figured that would be a little much. And by the way, seeing as how some updates are from as far back as 1999, is there something wrong here? Lol... thanks for the help.
I've seen very few 98 update patches that were not rereleased with fixes or fixed in later files.
Two things that might matter a LOT, though (especially in boxes of the 98 SE genre or OLDER as to age), are these:
DirectX 9.0 and Windows Media Player that needs this DirectX. IF the video card does not support at least DirectX 8.0-8.1 in drivers for card and on card, I would not install DriectX 9.0 or any media player needing it. Other than that, I've had minimal issues with 98 SE updates. AND have seen some rereleased with old dating still on them.