runtime error?
Manchester UK
Ok I downloaded a prog, installed and running. I want to run it on the other PC but whenever I try to I get this- runtime error-2147319779(8002801d): Automation error.
Anybody have a clue what that means?
I have tried getting the prog across the network and re-downloading it, It always does the same thing!
Why don't they just replace runtime error with 'no'?
Anybody have a clue what that means?
I have tried getting the prog across the network and re-downloading it, It always does the same thing!
Why don't they just replace runtime error with 'no'?
Is it ONLY that proggy that brings that error up?
What proggy, os, etc on the other machine?
The problem is only on PC2.
PC1 is as sig, PC2 has 1.3 Duron, 512Mb, Geforce 440mx. Both running XP.
I have looked at runtime errors and it gives a list but Automation error isn't on it.
I have disabled all the startup progs and turned off power management, No change.
I have had a few emails from the manufacturers. They sent me a link to download a part of the prog. When I ran it the setting screen opened without an error, but in Chinese. I told them this and got another email from them. They say they will modify and recompile it and will be in touch in a couple of days. I will play with the drivers and see what happens.
Thanks for responding Mackanz.