Java is a botha

Omatic810Omatic810 Gainesville, FL
edited October 2004 in Internet & Media
Does anyone know of a good resource for Java programming help? Specifically I am using BlueJ as my compiler. Something like a good FAQ or something would be helpful.


  • shwaipshwaip bluffin' with my muffin Icrontian
    edited October 2004
    I like what they have @
  • edited October 2004
    well, first off bluej is an ide NOT a compiler. chances are you are using sun's javac.
    as far as IDEs go, bluej decent, but not the best. i've fallen for eclipse here lately.
    it's a whole lot bigger than bluej in size and functionality. and no annoying .pkg junk.

    second, the absolute best book i found for beginning java is called Java, Java, Java by Ralph Morelli.

    It's a textbook, and a few years old but it's an excellent resource for learning java. I recommend it for anyone interested in learning java.

    ISBN 0-13-011332-8

    I havent seen really any one good resource on the web for java programming basics, except for perhaps the java tutorial, but it jumps around from "this is way too easy" to "what the heck are they talking about..."

    it starts off with OO concepts, not just wads of functions or procedural programming all stuffed into one main like other books. :thumbsup:
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