Japan's JVC Joins Blu-Ray Group

edited October 2004 in Science & Tech
Japanese consumer electronics company JVC is lining up behind a blue-laser optical disc technology backed by Sony and others, the latest development in a simmering DVD format battle.
JVC on Monday said it joined the Blu-ray Disc Association, an industry consortium that hopes to make the Blu-ray disc a widely accepted format for high-definition optical storage. Using blue lasers, Blue-ray discs can store a lot more data compared with today's DVDs, which rely on red-laser technology. The Blue-ray format is backed by a group of 13 companies, including founders Sony, Sharp, Hitachi and LG Electronics. PC behemoths Hewlett-Packard and Dell joined the fold in January of this year, with JVC now becoming the group's newest member. Another format, which is called HD DVD and is backed by companies such as Sanyo, NEC and Toshiba, is also battling to replace the modern-day DVD. The two competing formats are currently incompatible.
Source: c|net
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