I hit 40k and no-one seems to notice...or care

Well I hit 40k the other day and do I get a congratulations.... NO
Thats it I have had enough, screw you guys, especially that Shorty one he is a pain in the ...... oh hang on a minute, I forgot to take my medication. Just a sec................................
Thats better, sorry about the little rant
I couldnt leave you guys, I could never find the door 
Well, I hit 40K, you guys above me better watch out I am going to start creeping up the ranks now, slowly but I am going up

To Me

Thats it I have had enough, screw you guys, especially that Shorty one he is a pain in the ...... oh hang on a minute, I forgot to take my medication. Just a sec................................
Thats better, sorry about the little rant

Well, I hit 40K, you guys above me better watch out I am going to start creeping up the ranks now, slowly but I am going up

You... you get nothing... get back to work... you sit there idly by just watching those poor CPUs work there nutz off just so you can get the glory... Ha I say... I think not....
P.S. just kidding great job!
Great job, kfyaf (keep folding your a...
That's because I installed the door to work at my height not yours
Congratulations on the big 40k buddy
Good one Shorty.;D