Compaq ProLiant ML330 Won't Boot

Park_7677 and I are doing some work for a company. They were having DHCP, DNS, and proxy problems with the server. We got those taken care of but decided to clean out the computer because it was dusty. Put it back up and it gave us a Disk Drive Controller error.. which we fixed by just replugging in the IDE cables. We also managed to get the SCSI RAID 1 back up working (it was previously not for an unknown reason), and the computer booted off of them (NT 4.0) which isn't what we want. We shut the power completely off to unhook the SCSIs for now. After we finished, we hit the power and nothing happens. Nothing bad happened when we were working inside the computer but nothing happens. There is power to the board (LEDs on the MB light up) but nothing happens when we press the power button.
This company is closed for the night but this is their server and they'll need it 7 AM in the morning.
We've pulled the battery for 15 minutes, double and triple checked all connections, and nothing else seems wrong. We've tried everything we can think of so every idea is welcome.
We're stuck here until this is fixed, and it's 8 PM with school in the morning :bawling:
This company is closed for the night but this is their server and they'll need it 7 AM in the morning.
We've pulled the battery for 15 minutes, double and triple checked all connections, and nothing else seems wrong. We've tried everything we can think of so every idea is welcome.
We're stuck here until this is fixed, and it's 8 PM with school in the morning :bawling:
We swapped out the PSU with one from another computer... fired right up. Still don't know what killed the PSU, and obviously it's not 100% dead if it lights up the MB.. but oh well we're happy we got the server to live again.
Now back to the static DNS entries...
Jeff or I will make one last post in here once we head out the door
We finally get everything working and we're packing things up when we find a random PSU on the floor. This happens to be the PSU that we planned on putting into the server to get it working. Well if that PSU is out of the case then which one is inside it? Yep, it was the original compaq PSU. Which we had unscrewed and everything. It was a good slap in the face
But, we got everything up and running.