I killed EMIII?!
Yah-Der-Hey (Wisconsin)
Ahhmm, well, I tried putting it stealth mode, cuz I was sick of seeing it...for some reason (Even in the tray). I sorta figured it would reset once I reopened it, but it doesn't . Soon as I start EMIII, it just isnt' there ... it's in Task Manager, but I cant get to it, not even using the "Switch To" button. Help please!
...Crap I feel like such a noob lol...
...Crap I feel like such a noob lol...
copied from help file
Run EM in Stealth (No Tray Icon): This feature is always trouble to the new user. Be careful. You can put EM in Stealth Mode (No tray icon and no EM window visible) when EM starts by putting a check in this box. You can also set the stealth mode on from the EM tray icon menu. Once it is invisible, the only way to get EM back is to press and hold the “Scroll Lock” key. You might have to hold it down for as long as 30 seconds before EM will appear. This long delay is there because you may have this program running on a system that is used by others. They may use the scroll lock key for something, who knows for what, but possibly something. The odds are that a simple press of the scroll lock key will not make EM visible except by accident, and that is near impossible to do. So, just be patient if it happens. This feature allows you to monitor a system without others messing with the monitoring program. Used with the other selections available here can run the FAH client, hide it, run the EM program and hide it too. You can check on progress etc. by simply pressing the scroll lock key, viewing the EM window, then setting it back to stealth from the tray icon menu.