What are FAHCores? Why do I have 3 of them?

comfortablecomfortable Sugarland, TX
edited October 2004 in Folding@Home
Sorry for the straightforward topic title :)

I had some o/c-related problems a while back, and while everything seems to be fine now, I can't help but notice a larger than usual F@H folder.

I have a total of 3 cores in my subdir: 65, 78, and 82. To the best of my knowledge, F@H quit working on one of these cores when my system went haywire during my o/c adventures.

Is it safe to remove any cores that aren't operating with F@H? I have no idea what they are (other than the fact that the cmd-output looks cool when it opens one up.)


  • ThraxThrax 🐌 Austin, TX Icrontian
    edited October 2004
    All of them are used for various types of workunits within the F@H project.

    65 is for tinker (Non-SSE workunits)
    78 is for gromacs (SSE-enabled workunits)

    And I don't know what 82 is for. I think there's a new WU type in development, could be for that.
  • mmonninmmonnin Centreville, VA
    edited October 2004
    Yeah Thrax is right. Some WUs require different types of cores.
  • MedlockMedlock Miramar, Florida Member
    edited October 2004
    Core 82 is for DGromacs, SSE2...
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