Any Director Users here?

RWBRWB Icrontian
edited October 2004 in Internet & Media
Any besides me? I am having a bit of trouble with my game I am working on, and I can't find any relevant information anywhere online, even macromedia's forums haven't given me a reply.

Since I posted there I have been able to fire the gun, but when you shoot it simply replaces the old gunshot, I need to have it so that you can shoot off as many rounds as you want without the bullets reseting. I have a good idea how to do this, but it's not working too well.


  • RWBRWB Icrontian
    edited October 2004
    Programming make Chris go looney.

    I have spent over a DAY working on this single issue, of all the places I have posted, emails sent, IM's, and PM's NO ONE HAS REPLIED TO ANY. Of course this is understandable here at S-M as I expected as no-one here knows Director I think. But even macromedia's website has been useless, a buddy of mine who showed me this school has yet to send a reply in any form, I even spent a few HOURS in a lab in which 4 people TOTAL were in. TWO of those FOUR were the lab instructors... however the dolts they were helping took up their every MINUTE of help. ALL I want is a simple explaination, NOT EVEN THE ****ING ANSWER! It shouldn't take more than a couple minutes for someone who has the expereince to show me what I am doing wrong cuase I KNOW it's something so ****ing small I am just going to LOOSE IT!

    For the past month now I have put off all my other fun projects for this single PROJECT, and now that it is DUE tomorrow I have a hicup!? WHY DOES THIS HAPPEN? It's like God's sick joke at my expence. I don't want to take this god damned course a FOURTH TIME.

    One of the biggest annoyances of all time is that all I ever hear from my teacher for this class is SORRY WE ****ED UP YOUR COURSE MANUAL, so naturally the area that is screwy is the area that could potentially help me, however I cannot figure out what is messed up on it becuase I CAN'T FIND ANY HELP.

    I may have to turn in a broken project, I am so furious right now I have decided I am NOT going to move on with this project and finish the game. Instead, it's going to remain broken. I wish I could ove onto other parts of the game, but if thebullet doesn't fly, then I can't finish the other parts of the project which include the SCORE, ENEMY BULLETS, or the health, ohh and even the amount of bullets and ammo you have remaining after the bullet is shot.

    I hate programming, I hate this school... I can't believe how niave I was to think this school did me any good. Even the one who helped me get into this school has yet to find a job, for the past year now he's been in construction... whoopty f*cking doo!

    I love life... :mean:
  • RWBRWB Icrontian
    edited October 2004
    Programming sure can change a man.... after much fury and destruction, I finnally got the help I needed in lab. I went BACK to the lab to see if an instructor was open yet, and HE WAS! YIPPIE! He helped me figure it out, it took a while for the both of us, but it's FIXED.

    Now I just PRAY that all this new code doesn't screw with the remaining bits of code to have objects disapear when hit and such....

    When once I was PISSED, I am now calm and happy. But scared to continue in fear of finding a new issue :thumbsup:
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