I need to know everything about Search Engine Optimization by Saturday!
I've got a job interview this Saturday for a small local company that specializes in Search Engine Optimizations for client websites. It's sort of a technical/managerial lead (over some co-op students) position. Does anyone have experience with SEO and can help me out?
And thanks for the link, prime!
I think I need the whole nine yards! And thanks!
//edit: Amazon is only a PR8!
Anand = 7
hexus= 6
EOC = 6
shortmedia =5
pcper/amdforum is also a 5. I think if we all work together, we can possibly bump S-M up to a 6 or 7. I know when I complete my website, I'll be putting S-M in my links section! (It may be the only link there, but it will be there!)
LOTS of info, virtual books worth as thta site has been up for about a decade now and specializes in search engines and using them and how they differ and how the major ones work. Including how some search engines really work. Start there, then follow up on the links from there out onto the web.
One further hint:
Look up, on http://www.w3c.org/ , the following:
'meta elements'
Under that, look at the 'name' elemnt, then the 'keywords' value and then the 'content' element and find the keywords listed in examples. Those keywords are in essence a topic index of a page, and each page in a site that you want to be indexed should have at least somewhat of a topic index.
Search Engine Bots look for a meta tag with a name value of keywords and then a contents name followed by a list of topics, for each page they bot. IF they can find matches to the keywords listed for topic in the page, then the search engine is likely to use them. IF they find lots of junk or tags that do not correspond to word ont eh page, the page can be considered masqued and many search engines will delist a site with lots of those masqued pages on it. Best way to figure out keywords to submit is to dev good and real keywords for your pages on your site, then submit those. In fact, if you submit a bunch of keywords for your site and nothing is there, not only will you get junk for an index, but the search engine might choose NOT to index your site at all.
One thing to avoid, and it is a BIGGY, is not to get banned from indexing by search engines (in essence the search engine admins choose to DELIST a site, and that can be for 6-12 months or longer). Second, if you help the bots with keywords in the right structure, they will spend less time crawling your site and less bandwidth that you pay for will be eused by bots. IF you get a lot of folks linking to your site's pages, bots will crawl your site more often, and if it is in fact under change all the time adn is built according to an intelligioble structure, bots can use page dates to find new pages and not reindex all the site. Search engine admins do like this kind of thing, and ahte masqueing, sites that have unhandled link errors, and sites that just sit there for years or months with NO dev at all happening.
That is a summary of how to get correct index listings free, using your web code to get optimized listings automagically. Its slower alone, but you can use your code and a DOM Analyzer to tell you what keywords to submit if you do it right. In fact, when you buy submission services, you in fact are paying them to do this themselves and do it for many search engines. In essence the services are topic indexing sites, then using keywords to show what is on the site in reality.