EmIII incorrectly reporting point value?
Sugarland, TX
It's not that big a deal, it just looks inconsistent.
Is it possible that the p1310_1RYP_sv2_L4_k150_2fs gromac isn't correctly listed @ Stanford's database?
Or possibly an EmIII bug?
Is it possible that the p1310_1RYP_sv2_L4_k150_2fs gromac isn't correctly listed @ Stanford's database?
Or possibly an EmIII bug?
Sometimes EMIII will display incorrect data from it's data reference file but this file is corrected and redisbursed several times a week usually. I know that Larry has had his hands full lately getting out the latest version of EMIII and announced that he would put the data file updates aside temporarily.
It won't be long before that data is corrected for sure because Larry is always always on top of this project.
Sometimes Stanford miscalculates (and corrects) pointages but in this case that isn't the case.
You can also dload the latest EM protein data file from www.em-dc.com
Thanks Csimon + Mmonnin.