August 1998 Aptiva 2139 monitor mystery start sequence?

edited October 2004 in Hardware
I just purchased a used Aptiva today and everything was working perfectly until I plugged it in at home. the monitor turns on then clicks off. I get the green led lite and then off. sometimes when I am trying to turn it on it goes from green to amber and stays on amber until I push it again. What gives? Is there a special way to turn this thing on. the tower works and the keyboard lites up. It is a 2139 model SE7 made in 8/98. the monitor model is 2237-40N. :scratch:


  • JChretienJChretien Vancouver, BC, Canada
    edited October 2004
    Ok.. amber means standby, which means your monitor is not recieving any signal. Does the tower beep when you turn it on? if it doesnt, you should check how your video card is seated (it might have jarred loose on your trip home). if it does beep, check all the connections and cabling. Hope that helps.
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