What the hell is with CLI.exe?!
Yah-Der-Hey (Wisconsin)
I, hereby refuse to ever post in the Spyware/Virus/Trojan Discussion thread ever again.
But what's up with CLI.exe? It's an ATi thing, and just the other day it tried to connect to ads.x10.com . And look how OFTEN it's accessing the Registry, trying to find the same damn key. I don't think it has a ton of impact on system performance, because it's just the Registry, but still, I don't think it should be doing this...
But what's up with CLI.exe? It's an ATi thing, and just the other day it tried to connect to ads.x10.com . And look how OFTEN it's accessing the Registry, trying to find the same damn key. I don't think it has a ton of impact on system performance, because it's just the Registry, but still, I don't think it should be doing this...