Motherboard or ATI All-In Wonder Problem?

edited October 2004 in Hardware
I have a MSI KT4V motherboard with a ATI All-In-Wonder 128 Rage Pro, it worked fine for about a year. Recently the ATI Tuner stopped working, siting that a chip is not functioning. Assuming it was on the ATI Card, I replaced it with an ATI 9200 All-In-Wonder. It lasted five days! The monitor slowly went completely dead. I thought it was the card again and got an ATI 9600 All-In-Wonder. It doesn't work. The motherboard does not recognize the card, no signal to the monitor (of course). BUT! I reinstalled the old 128 Rage Pro and every program works well except the ATI Tuner. I am thinking a chip on the motherboard burned out that controls the AGP speed, especially 8X, since the old card will operate on AGP speed 1X, 2X and 4X. Any ideas? Play frisbe with the KT4V? Please Help!


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