Reformattin on two hard drives

edited October 2004 in Science & Tech
I have two hard drives, and want to refomat to wipe everything off of both of them. Is there anything special that I need to do? Or can I just insert the CD and wipe both drives at once?


  • MediaManMediaMan Powered by loose parts.
    edited October 2004

    WinXP will detect both disks and you simply delete all the partitions on both drives. When you set up either disk you'll create new partions and reinstall. Else you can hook up the drives to a working computer with an OS and use the disk management tool in ADMINSTRATIVE TOOLS (CONTROL PANEL>ADMINSTRATIVE TOOLS) to delete partitions and reformat.

    There are other tools that can allow you to do a security wipe if you worried about that.
  • Straight_ManStraight_Man Geeky, in my own way Naples, FL Icrontian
    edited October 2004
    If the installer cannot do the wipe, I suggest the use of the HD mfr's utils to accomplish a zero-pack. The ONLY time I have ever had XP's installer fail to wipe\delete and then format is when the Boot Sector was virused or a partition or partition table was so mashed that its start point was not where the MBR pointed to. Then, the fix was a zero-pack from the mfr util\diagnostic floppy (this was back when both fit on one floppy). But, normally the XP installer can do this fine. Excellent first step, MM.
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