explorer.exe using 37,000+ Mem Usage
Task Manager is showin explorer.exe as using 37,124 Mem Usage (currently) and I know that cannot be right. It's only showing 37,000+ plus on my user account and its less than 5,000 Mem Usage on my brother & sisters account.
I know explorer.exe is legit and is used for IE.
What could be causing that high amount of Mem Usage?
Look at Mem Usage in the pic...Thanks
I know explorer.exe is legit and is used for IE.
What could be causing that high amount of Mem Usage?
Look at Mem Usage in the pic...Thanks
Do you have multiple users logged into the computer? Have a lot of explorer windows open? Using big pretty wallpapers? Themes service enabled? All of that stuff takes up some memory.
I see it's not using any cpu cycles, did explorer recently finish doing something, and perhaps didn't yet delete it from memory??
Don't listen to me I'm just guessin'!
Anyways to answer your questions quickly.
1) Yes the other users are still logged in, as usual. (we switch user rather than log off - its quicker
2) No, not a lot explorer windows open, like I said my Task Manager is showing less than 5,000 Mem usage for my brother's and sister's account unlike my DAMN account it showing 37,000
3) Wallpaper? Yes. Big? Dunno
4) No themes - I Think?
see if restarting it helps at all. that oculd help us diagnose what is causing it to use as much meory. perhaps there is alot of stuff going on in your shell
Also windows as well as many other windows apps are horrible with memory leaks.
OK, I've rebooted several times and now explorer.exe hangs around 20,000 of mem usage which is fine with me BUT now iexplorer.exe has gone to almost 45,000 of mem usage - someone plese tell me what the hell is going on? :bawling:
Thank You
edit:btw iexploror is internet exploror (worste web browser ever)
exploror.exe is the windows exploror (the xp theme and the gui)
get mozilla firefox and dont ever launch m$ie again
Yes but u have the xp theme off and u have striped down the services havent you :P
My computer has the themes service disables, but I'm too lazy to go and check memory usage for you nto compare to.
and double check to make sure its not explorerer.exe or something similiar but not the same, if another does come up. one of them is most likely not legit. id guess a virus.