ATI To Copy Nvidia's SLI Idea
The Inquirer has hard information that ATI will move to its own version of SLI next year, in the second quarter.
Source: The InquirerUnlike Nvidia, ATI won't call it SLI, of course. It will however let you use twin graphic cards in two PCIe graphic slots, proffering the promise of performance. ATI is in a beta stage of development, according to sources close to the company. It had the choice for going for dual graphics processors on one card, but now it appears it will copy Nvidia's idea instead. The Canadian firm will also introduce a chipset expected to be released around the same time.This chipset won't differ much the soon to be announced RX480 chipset. ATI will have a "Pentium 4" version of its SLI so it won't be for the AMD club alone. Nor will it need a small "daughter board" to connect the two cards, it appears.