RESOLVED: USB problem...
Scranton, PA
Was helping somone with a computer and im a bit stumped the USB ports worked fine untill they upgraded to windows 2000 now they wont read i tried everythign i could think of... Any ideas? Thanks.
Did you check to make sure the cables were plugged in good and tight on the motherboard? And what have you tried connecting? Just wondering, making sure it isn't the device itself that's faulty. How many ports are there? Is just one broken, or all of them? If it's just one, maybe the port fried itself. If they're all bad, try reinstalling the drivers.
Just messin' with ya.
I know. I prolly shouldn't've said anything. After looking back on my first handful of posts here, I didn't bother with capitalization. Guilty as charged. I'm not usually all that rude to folks (am I? ) and it was meant as a joke. Sure, the point is there, but it was meant mostly as fun. Sorry if I actually did offend you, Elven. No harm meant .
(what device are you trying to use with the ports btw, is it a printer by chance?)
1) make sure you have sp4 installed for usb 2.0 support
2) does the usb controller show up ok in device manager?
Im pretty sure sp4 wil lfix it if you don't have it already., hopefully you have broadband.