comfortable Brings Home The BWA!
The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
Our teammate comfortable only recently joined good old "93". It sure didn't take long to get to 5,000 points. Great Folding, comfortable!
Who's Bart Williams, btw?
SM13 Folds under the name "IC13_BartWilliams" in his honor. (Great job being done by SuperHost Clutch. ) The S-M server was also named in his honor.
In the early days of the Folding project most WU's were worth only a point or two. 5,000 points took a long time to amass. (For example, when I passed 2,000 points it took me well over 500 WU's!) Today, with some WU's worth hundreds of points, it is a little more of an attainable goal.
The Bart Williams Award has come to signify the achievement of someone who sticks with the project longer than those who might experiment with Folding for a couple of WU's and give up. The fact that you have made it this far shows that you are likely in it for the long haul.